Plentong Blue Lake on a Rainy Day 雨天中的避蘭東藍湖

I met CL while on the hike to the Foon Yew Blue Lake and have since been hiking with her and her husband. As we normally start at 4.30pm, it's imperative for us to return to the main road by 6.30pm before it gets dark. For CL and her husband who have been hiking almost daily for the past 3 years, the 2-hour hike through different terrains in Plentong / Seri Alam is like a stroll in the park. But it's a boot camp for someone like me. I can't even catch up to them on flat ground! 😂  Thankfully, they and their other hiking buddies are extremely patient. Someone would always walk with me at the end of the line.

Even though it's the year-end monsoon season, CL's motto is: "As long as it's not raining when I step out of my house, I'll go hiking!" 

So here we were hiking to the Plentong Blue Lake despite the looming clouds.

Just about 15 min into our hike, the rain moved in fast from Bukit Lunchu area. We quickly took out our umbrellas. Within seconds, raindrops hit us like liquid bullets. 

Crossing the ford with Bukit Lunchu and the Blue Lake on far right.

                                            Water gushing down the cliffs of Bukit Lunchu.


For comparison: on a normal day.

No umbrella is big enough for the downpour. I ditched my umbrella and put on a raincoat.

We decided to retreat via the palm plantation.

This was supposed to be a footpath! 😂


Another 100 meter to the main road!

The main road was flooded as well with cow dung and palm leaves washed off from the plantation.

Many of us were drenched from head to toe. Luckily my raincoat kept my upper body relatively dry. We all made it back to our cars safe and sound. 

A memorable experience of hiking in the rain~


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