
初爬佛萊山,走到腳殘⋯⋯Bukit Kangkar Pulai

2022年10月22日 佛萊山(Bukit Kangkar Pulai) ,江加埔萊,柔佛,馬來西亞 波浪石   曾經在位於喜馬拉雅山山麓,海拔 2,082 米的達蘭薩拉(Dharamsala)居住近五年。每天看山、看日出、看日落、上坡、下坡,已習以為常。   2018年回馬,花了很長的時間重新適應城市生活。   後來,想山了。   一直到2022年底才提起勁兒,找久未聯絡的堂哥帶路爬山。   就這樣在毫無鍛鍊的情況下,我跟著堂哥去了佛萊山。   佛萊山是座郊山,位於著名的蒲萊山南面,高兩百多米,網絡上怎麼也找不到明確的山高紀錄。   堂哥說:「你一進到山裡,會覺得像去到不一樣的世界!」   是的,一進入山林,壓抑了疫情三年的種種憤怒、震驚、沮喪⋯⋯頓時煙消雲散。心靈再次被大自然療癒。   但在物理層面,毫無鍛鍊的我,雖然只跟著堂哥走到休息站 2.0(俗稱「二點零」),在下山時,內跨、髖骨、膝蓋已經不聽使喚。我咬緊牙根,一拐一拐走出來。   在接下來三天,我的腳根本抬不起來。上下樓梯和上下車都像個廢人。   在內心富裕的同時,心想:「怎麼辦?腳這麼不爭氣,以後不能走山了嗎?」   更重要的是,每次爬完山都要花錢找中醫推拿嗎?     觀迎留言分享你的爬山初體驗 綠油油 迷你樹林     舊的登山鞋壞了,來不及買新的,只好穿登山涼鞋。絕非上策,後果自負 = = = 爬山只留下脚印   垃圾果皮請帶走   歡迎關注 希望能將山林之美,帶入你的心

Plants of Bukit Lunchu & UA Waterfall 伦楚山的植物及 UA 瀑布

CL finally revealed that she and Tiong had been testing my endurance during the past four hiking trips. Now that they knew I could safely complete the loop with them (although I was lagging behind 😂 ), today they felt more assured to leisurely introduce me to some of the plants at Bukit Lunchu.  Late afternoon sun over the Plentong Blue Lake. Simpor 星果木, the national flower of Brunei. The leaves are can be used to wrap tempeh . Soapbush 毛野牡丹 The berries are quite yummy! We jokingly called them our Malaysian blueberries. A braid-like liana. One prominent feature in Bukit Lunchu is liana 藤本植物. They are long-stemmed, woody vines that climb or twine around other plants. According to Tiong, the thinner ones are at least 100 years old while the thicker ones are probably 300 years old!  An open-heart tree root. This round mushroom reminds me of a pizza dough 😄 Lots of pitcher plants. I didn't even notice until CL pointed them out to me. Rock covered in green and yellow moss. CL sai...

Bukit Lunchu & Bukit Tiz Loop 伦楚山及黄金山环形纵走

Today we took our usual route to Bukit Lunchu from where we get the panoramic view of the Plentong Blue Lake. The shimmering water of the Plentong Blue Lake in late afternoon. The faraway mountain with a flat top is Gunung Panti 猪头山 in Kota Tinggi. At the eastern side of Bukit Lunchu is the Seri Alam Green Lake. We continued on to Bukit Tiz 黄金山 in Seri Alam. Bukit Tiz is called "The Golden Hill" in Chinese due to the many rocks here covered in yellow moss. It's said that when the morning sun shines on these rocks, they look like gold! Unfortunately, humans need a reminder not to destroy Mother Nature. Descending Bukit Tiz, we passed by "The Five Fingers Rock" 五指石--a huge boulder miraculously supported by five smaller rocks. Tiny Fungi "The Seashell Rock" 贝壳石 named after its natural shape. Heading Back

Plentong Blue Lake on a Rainy Day 雨天中的避蘭東藍湖

I met CL while on the hike to the Foon Yew Blue Lake and have since been hiking with her and her husband. As we normally start at 4.30pm, it's imperative for us to return to the main road by 6.30pm before it gets dark. For CL and her husband who have been hiking almost daily for the past 3 years, the 2-hour hike through different terrains in Plentong / Seri Alam is like a stroll in the park. But it's a boot camp for someone like me. I can't even catch up to them on flat ground! 😂  Thankfully, they and their other hiking buddies are extremely patient. Someone would always walk with me at the end of the line. Even though it's the year-end monsoon season, CL's motto is: "As long as it's not raining when I step out of my house, I'll go hiking!"  So here we were hiking to the Plentong Blue Lake despite the looming clouds. Just about 15 min into our hike, the rain moved in fast from Bukit Lunchu area. We quickly took out our umbrellas. Within seconds, r...

Foon Yew Blue Lake, Seri Alam 至達城寬中藍湖

As a Foon Yew High School alumnus, I was excited to visit the quarry lake next to the new Foon Yew High School located in Seri Alam. After walking through bushes of ferns and prickly vines for about 20 min, we reached the Foon Yew Blue Lake.  Morning sun over the Foon Yew Blue Lake at 7.17am Perfect Mirror Many avid hikers firmly believe there are mountain gods and water gods in the wild. They say if you rotate the photo vertically, you'll see images resembling faces. They believe these are faces of the mountain gods and water gods. As this is a quarry site, there are rocks of different shapes and colors everywhere. Yellow  Rocks Pink Rocks "Leaf Rock" Tiny Wild Orchids The new Foon Yew High School in the background. View from a higher angle. Nothing but gratitude for this beauty.